Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Confess your sins one to another

As some of you may know, God has given me a gift with song interpretation. Sometimes, when I am listening to a song, He will show me a sign language and/or drama interpretation for it. Recently, He gave me an interpretation like this for a song called, ‘Freedom,’ by Run Kid Run.

Last Sunday, before Canvas, I was worshipping God and thanking Him for the interpretation. As I was overcome by emotion, God put a halt on it. He asked me, “How can you be rejoicing over the freedom I have given you, when you are so bound by something so small?”

He was referring to an issue I’ve recently had with a certain person. I’m not sure if it was out of jealousy or insecurity, but I had had an immense dislike of the person for no reason. It caused animosity and tension that was very tangible.

God spoke to me and told me that these feelings had nothing to do with the other person and were all me. He told me to go to them, confess to them, and in doing so, He would eliminate any ill wills and restore a relationship that shouldn’t have been broken in the first place.

I followed His instruction, as hard as it seemed, and He was faithful to do as He said. The person was very understanding, and was glad that I came to talk. We prayed together and are on our way to becoming great friends. The best part is that God has removed all the sinful feelings I had toward the person.

So…if you are wondering why I decided to share this with you, here it is. I think that there are others who may struggle with the same problem. Having bad feelings toward someone for no reason is not of God. It is something the enemy uses to cause division in the body of Christ. In a time when unity in the body is more important than ever, I encourage you to look to God for healing.

Read James 5:13-20 it tells us to confess our sins one to another that we may be healed. I can say that this is true. I confessed first to God, then to the person, and God has removed my sinful feelings and replaced them with a desire to befriend this person, so that we may grow in Christ together.

I urge you all, to follow James’ instructions, as I followed the same instruction given to me from God directly. I have faith that God can restore any broken relationship that may exist at Canvas or elsewhere. God can do anything. And we can do all things through Christ. Philippians 4:13

I know this wasn’t the deepest blog ever written, but I know God has a purpose and a plan and sometimes it’s very practical. God can use Canvas in a mighty way. Let’s rebuke any discord so that we can unite for the greater vision of Christ and His kingdom.

Love and prayers,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Conviction isn't always a dirty word...

When people speak of conviction in the secular world it usually refers to the result the court's decision regarding a crime committed. Much the same in the Christian world, God uses His Holy Spirit to convict us when we have committed or are currently committing a crime against God (i.e. sin).

For the past few months God has been revealing several of crimes to me most of which will remain unnamed. Most recently God has been showing me that my time is something that should not be taken for granted. The bible tells us that we know not the hour. We are not promised tomorrow, so we must make every minute of TODAY count!

I’m not saying that we all need to run out and get started on our Bucket List, but I think we all, myself included, need to reevaluate our time. There are 24 hrs in a day, and on any given day I sleep for at least 8 of them. Also, on any given day M-F, I prepare for work, commute to and from work, and am at work for at least 9 of them. That leaves 7 hrs unaccounted. Where have my other 7 hrs gone? Granted the 8 hrs of sleep is combined overnight, but I think you see my point. Even rounding down to say 4 hrs, where is it? What did I do with it? More importantly, did I make it count? I’ll never get that time back.

Pastor Zack, @pastorxac to his tweeps, spoke about this a few weeks ago and provided us a schedule to fill out to account for our time. Granted, he was referring to us taking time for priorities: God, family, ministry, and work in that order, but for the most part it seemed he talked about family time. So I admit, I tuned it out. Sorry Zack. Then the next week he asked me if I had filled out my schedule, and I thought, “Why are you asking me? I don’t even have a live-in family?” I said, “Not yet, but I will,” even though I really didn’t have any intentions on rushing home to do it. Again, sorry Zack.

So God, in all His wonder, has been slowly showing me that just because Zack emphasized Family Time, doesn’t mean that was the only thing for me to take from his teaching. The first priority is GOD. So how have I spent time with God lately? Hmm…well…insert crickets chirping…DING DING DING! CONVICTION! And the blows just keep on comin.

So after I realized in my EUREKA moment, what God was trying to say, He started flooding things in to my mind about what I could change about how I spend my time. Most of you know my desire to be married, and that God has promised me that I will marry again. But most of you, if you have been around me longer than five minutes, know how impatient I am. This is just how cool God is…are you ready for this?

God told me I need to be doing more for Him NOW. I don’t need to wait on a Godly man to come rescue me and ride me off to Pastor Nick to get hitched. HE said, “Do you realize how much you could be doing for me while you DON’T have to take time out for family?

“Look at Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, and was the first to preach salvation for the Gentiles, and who turned the world upside down by opening our eyes to the truth of Christ. Do you think he would have been able to accomplish all that with a wife and kids? If I called him to do so, sure he could, but it would have been much more difficult. So what could you be doing right now? How many lives could change? You need to take advantage of your family free time! Then when you have accomplished my will, you will be rewarded”

…AND that was a GIANT K.O. for God, and a GIGANTIC body slam for Ashleigh.

Do I like being single? No. Do I think my reward will be a husband? I don’t know. Do I know that whatever reward God gives me will be worth the effort? ABSOLUTELY.

So look out world, here I come!

I don’t know who or what will change, but I guarantee that I won’t be the same!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Beautiful Dancer

I wrote this during worship 05/14/2010 at the Canvas Women's Retreat. God gave me this message to share with the women. Thought I'd post it for everyone...

As a child, things begin as a slow waltz. Though you are thrust on to the floor without training, you dance anyway smiling all the time. Each new step excites you and sometimes I join with you and allow you to dance on my feet. You let me in to lead the way.

The beat changes when you least expect it and, for some reason the crowd is dancing to a different tune. The moves have changed and you can’t keep up. I offer my hand to let me lead, and let you have my feet to support your steps. Yet you insist on learning by yourself. You’ve watched the other dancers, tried to mimic and learn the newest moves. You’ve bought the videos, but by the time the moves are mastered, the new video is released. The pace is one you can’t keep up with and the world is always one step ahead.

You’ve forgotten that the dance is beautiful, yes, but the dancer is the one I created. The moves aren’t important, the music will fade, but you will always be my beautiful dancer. I will always be your partner. Come dance with me. Let me lead.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Waste not, want not!

The Lord gave me this yesterday morning at Canvas. Thought I’d share.

You’ve heard the old expression “Waste not, want not.” God showed me that this applies to His love as well.

If we waste God’s love, and let it sit idle in us, then we don’t really want it. But if we don’t waste His love and we are constantly sharing with others, we will never want for it.

How often do we have God’s love and say we want more, but we haven’t done anything with the love He has already given? Why does He need to pour more love into us, when we haven’t given any away to others? He fills us up to overflow, but if we don’t let that overflow pour out onto others, then why should He need to pour more into us? If our cup stays full, there’s no need for Him to pour out more. BUT when we pour out into others, God will continue to pour into us so that we will always be overflowing with His love to share. A perpetual cycling overflow keeps the love pure and constantly stirred up within us. It allows us to pour out the Living Water of Christ into others.

The reverse is true as well. If we never pour out, our well remains. Despite it being full, it becomes stagnant, lifeless, maybe gets a moldy thin film on top that keeps it from being oxygenated. What then? We become dull, complacent, content with going through the motions and the status quo. Also, if we don’t waste the love of God by letting it get stale within us, then we will never have to long for it. God will be constantly pouring out on us and blessing us with His love. We will never have to yearn for it because it will be ever present. When we pour out, the fruit will be lush and plenty. Seeing this fruit will be a blessing to us. It will stir up the Living Water in us even more so that we will desire to pour it out as it keeps bubbling over!

Should it not be so? Should we not be so excited about the amazing awesome love of God that we want to tell and show other at all times? Was that not what Jesus asked of us in Matthew 28:19, to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…” So how can we be content with having a full cup?

We need the overflow.

God works in the overflow.

Lives are changed in the overflow.

Pour out His love!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Passion Week Fast 2010 Day 5

Last day. Here we go.

So this week started with the passion of Christ, then we talked about his humanity, so today we’re gonna blend both.

I said before that many people see the miracles of Christ and forget that He was human just like us. Let me draw your attention to the time when Jesus was tempted in the desert. Satan came at Him when He was weak and tempted Him full force. Has it ever occurred to you that Jesus’ could’ve fallen and made food or water for himself?

Think about it. What if Jesus had succumbed to temptation? We would not have our salvation because the Lamb would no longer have been spotless. We know God had this plan in motion since the beginning, and it causes us to take it all for granted. Don’t forget, Jesus was a HUMAN! As a human, He would have had free will. He could have sinned any time that He was tempted. He could’ve moved away to another country, got married, had kids, lived happily ever after.

But EVERY DAY of his brief life on earth, He made a CHOICE. He chose to suffer and die for you because He would rather deal with the pain while he was here on earth, than deal with the pain of living in eternity without YOU!

How much more amazing was His sacrifice when we realize that He didn’t HAVE TO make it, but that HE CHOSE to make it. He gave His everything so that we could be with him forever.

As he was whipped 39 times, each time He chose to take the next lashing for you. As he was being spit on while carrying the cross, He chose to keep going for you. As the nails were driven in, He looked past the pain, and chose to endure for you. As He struggled to support His weight in order to breathe, and as He drew His last breath, He chose to die for you. How amazing is His love for us that He would rather CHOOSE to suffer and die than CHOOSE to spend eternity without us?

So, He chose us, now it’s our turn. My prayer for all of us is that we choose daily to follow Him. It is NOT a one time decision. Everyday we will face temptation, and each time we are the victor, it is a choice for Christ. How can we complain about choosing to walk the narrow path, when Christ chose to die for us? Where is there a comparison? There is nothing that can compare to His ultimate love for us.

God calls us all to be faithful unto death (Rev. 2:10), but He promises a crown of life, and He promises to be with us every step of the way. So as a close to these Passion Week devotions, read Jesus’ last command, ‘The Great Commission.’ Matthew 28: 19-20

Emmanuel, God with us. Go with God! Choose to live for Him. Choose to show His love to others. Go!

The video below was put together by someone in honor of Resurrection Sunday. The background song is one of my faves for Easter: ‘Completely Free’ by Big Daddy Weave. Have a listen. See you tonight at the Seder. I love you all.

Big Daddy Weave "Completely Free"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Passion Week Fast 2010 Day 4

Back for more huh? Well here it goes…

Yesterday we learned that we can be angry for righteous reasons, and that love is important above all else. Here’s more from the Passion Week teachings of Jesus. I didn’t accidentally miss Wednesday; the bible doesn’t record anything that Jesus did on Wednesday. It is assumed that He was chilling with the twelve in Bethany .

On Thursday, Jesus observes the Passover meal, and washes the disciples’ feet. Many would wonder where the lesson is. It is this: In order to win souls, you must relate to the people, and humble yourself as a servant. Did Jesus have to have the Passover meal? No, but it was culturally relevant and important to the people. We have to show that God can relate that His love is attainable for anyone. Did He have to wash their feet? Again, no, but it was culturally relevant. There were no cars, and everyone wore sandals. So the first thing that was done when they entered the home in the evenings, was? You guessed it! Moms everywhere would shout from the kitchen, ‘Wash those nasty feet before you come in here.’

Read John 13 yep all of it. You didn’t think I was gonna do all the work on these devotions did you?

When Jesus washes the feet, there are several key points to consider.

1. In John 13:1, it states that Jesus had shown his love to them already in His time with them, but He washed their feet in order to show the full extent of his love. So, to show the full extent of our love requires humility. The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Most High God stripped off His outer garments, wrapped a towel round His waist, and washed His disciples’ dirty feet. It doesn’t get much more humble than that. How much easier should it be for us as mere humans, to humble ourselves before each other? Think about this for a moment.

2. Peter, the disciple with Foot in Mouth Disease, didn’t want to let Jesus wash his feet, but when Jesus gave him the condition (v 8), he gladly accepted and wanted Jesus to wash every part of him. Jesus reply is that even though we are bathed, we will still have to regularly wash our feet. Another metaphor? Yes. Although it speaks to the cultural relevance of walking everywhere in sandals and always needing your feet washed, think about it this way. When we’re baptized, we arise clean, as a new creature (2 Cor 5:17). However, along the way, we stumble, we sin, and our feet get dirty. Do we let them stay dirty? No, we wash them with the blood of Jesus (yes I used that cliché just for Nick). We must seek His face daily, but when we fall, we must repent, and run to Him, and make up the time we lost in that fall.

3. We must do likewise. He tells the disciples, makes a point, that now that He, their Lord and Teacher, has washed their feet, they also should wash each other’s feet (v 14-15). Servant is never greater than master (in this life), so when they humble themselves and bless others, they will also be blessed. How about that? I always wonder why after I help others, I feel like I have been blessed. It’s because Jesus himself said it would be so.

So there you have it. In one night, Jesus showed the disciples that they must relate to the people and humble themselves before others. In doing so, they will be blessed.

How have you served lately? What blessings have you received? Better yet, what blessings have you missed because you haven’t humbled yourself to serve?

See you tomorrow with the last devotional. I love you all.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

passion week fast day 3

Still with me?  That’s good.  I’m very glad.  I’m splitting today’s devotion up into two days because the points I need to make are rather long.

Read John Chapter 1 vs. 1-18

Go read, or you won’t get it.  Trust me.

So many times we think about Jesus being God himself, and indeed that is true.  However, that is not how we are saved.  We are saved because ‘the Word was made flesh.’ (v 14).  None of this would be possible had God not put on flesh in the form of Emmanuel.  Many see the miracles of Christ, and think wow He is God incarnate, but they forget that the humanity of Jesus meant so much more.

Jesus lived his last days as a human, no big miracles, no fuss, no muss.  BUT, and it’s a big BUT, He taught us some character traits we need as human children of God.

  1. On Monday, Jesus entered the temple, and when He saw the merchants, He began shouting and knocking over tables (Matt 21:1-17).  Jesus got angry!  We know that Jesus was sinless, so that would mean that it was okay for Him to be angry.  Why?  Most people think losing your temper is sinful.  It is, but not when you are angry for God.  Jesus was angry for a righteous reason!  The people were defiling the temple of God.  That is a right and just reason to be angry.  So, Jesus shows us that anger is a God given human emotion, and it is okay to be angry for actions that are blasphemous toward God.  We need to be serious about our faith.  Tolerance is an important part of showing love, but that does not mean that we love God any less.  That means that we can stand up for what is righteous, but not cram it down others’ throats.
  2. On Tuesday, Jesus teaches his disciples the importance of faith in prayer (Matt 21:18-22).  He teaches us that we must have faith when we pray for anything.  The same day He teaches with many parables, and is questioned about the greatest commandment.  His response in Matthew22:37-40 is ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’  WOW! The most important thing is love.  Sometimes this is forgotten.  Everyone is trying to do good, and keep all these laws, but NEWS FLASH, Jesus came to do away with the law.  All we have to do is love, and the rest falls into place.

So on Monday, He showed us we can be angry for God, and on Tuesday, He teaches us that love is more important than anything else.  What anamazing God we have!  Go read 1 Corinthians 13.  Yes, the whole tiny chapter.  Paul teaches about love.  This is the greatest commandment, so we should probably learn what it’s about.  We must learn love.  It needs to be so engrained in us, that it pours out onto everyone around us. That, my friends, is the key to the kingdom.  Be about God’s business, and love!  Go love on someone, and I’ll post more of Jesus’ humanity tomorrow.  I love you all.